CIC, BNP Paribas, and Eurazeo launch the France-China Cooperation Fund


China Investment Corporation (“CIC”), BNP Paribas, and Eurazeo are pleased to announce the launch of the France-China Cooperation Fund.

The France-China Cooperation Fund is being established following plans witnessed by President Xi Jinping of China and President Emmanuel Macron of France in 2019. The Fund will seek to invest in French and Continental European companies aiming to open new pathways for growth in China. Target companies are expected to be in sectors with significant opportunity in China, including advanced industrials, business services, consumer goods and services, healthcare, and digital technology.

The partnership will uniquely draw on the expertise of Eurazeo, BNP Paribas and CIC and their extensive network, take advantage of their private equity experience and recognized ability to grow businesses internationally, support of the Fund’s investee companies in facilitating their entry into and development within China.

The Fund has now held a first close for a total amount of €400m, underwritten entirely by BNP Paribas, CIC and Eurazeo. Additional capital may be also raised from third parties.