JU Weimin, President of CIC Attended the 15th Annual Meeting of IFSWF


The International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF) convened its 15th annual meeting in Madrid, Spain, from September 24 to 27, under the theme of “Investing in Transition”.

Mr. JU Weimin, President of CIC and Member of the Board of IFSWF, attended the board meeting and the plenary sessions for decision-making and multilateral interactions. He spoke at the opening session “Navigating Global Currents: How Sovereign Wealth Funds are Meeting New Challenges”, and exchanged views with representatives of peer institutions.

Under the leadership of President JU Weimin, CIC made its voice heard and shared its insights at the annual meeting, urging sovereign wealth funds to enhance pragmatic cooperation and contribute to the recovery of the world economy. CIC also invited its peer institutions to visit China and experience first-hand China’s development. The points CIC made were widely echoed by other IFSWF members.

At the meeting, IFSWF members had deep discussions on topics of common interests including long-term investment trends, macroeconomic landscapes, joint investment mechanisms, as well as how to navigate energy transition and seize new opportunities arising from the technological evolution. Spanish government officials such as the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, as well as Governor of the Spanish central bank, also attended the annual meeting and delivered keynote speeches.

The annual meeting was also attended by 200 representatives from nearly 40 sovereign wealth funds, as well as from international organizations, investment institutions, and think tanks.

International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF)

The IFSWF is a global organization of main sovereign wealth funds worldwide. As a founding member and board member of the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF), CIC has diligently implemented the Santiago Principles for the governance of sovereign wealth funds and has contributed to the development of the forum and broader adoption of the Principles globally.