
CIC Updated its Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Statement


In order to further crack down on cross-border corruption and enhance management of integrity risks in its overseas business activities, CIC has recently updated its Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Statement (“Statement”) which was originally released in 2014. Mr. Peng Chun, Chairman and CEO of CIC, has signed off on the updated Statement.

As per the updated Statement, CIC is committed to a zero-tolerance approach to corruption and bribery. Any employee that fails to comply with the anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies are subject to investigation and disciplinary actions. CIC urges all employees to apply the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in business activities and unwaveringly guard against corruption and bribery, and asks all its business partners to help detect and eradicate corruption and bribery. The updated Statement also clarified the reporting channels for suspected violation of anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies.

As a wholly state-owned enterprise mandated to invest and manage China's foreign exchange reserves, CIC honors the core values of Responsibility, Synergy, Professionalism and Aspiration, and seeks to become a respected world-class sovereign wealth fund. We deem corruption and bribery substantial threats to corporate governance, reputation, sustainable development and fair business practices. Therefore, we will not tolerate any such behavior in any form and will strive to guard against and eliminate corruption and bribery by implementing and enforcing the effective mechanism.

Please see the Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Statement for more information.